Sunday, August 12, 2012

Keep Your Fat Hands Off My Retirement!!

One of the indicators of the paucity of intelligent processes among the Occupy Wall Street crowd was and is their insistence on the abolition of fossil fuels.  I am certain these intergalactic types can easily imagine an economy of sun and winds so that they can pull their bright shiny electric car up to the electric charger and drive off.  So they call for an end to oil and to natural gas.  They will fall into lockstep with an Administration and presidential campaign that has promised and succeeded in making life as miserable as possible for the fossil fuel economy.  The real buttboy of all this negative energy (so to speak) will be the oil and gas companies.  Mr. Obama has called for the elimination of tax credits and subsidies for the oil companies.  He has remained curiously silent about similar tax credits, LOANS, and subsidies for the so-called "green energy" sector, I suppose, because he has some very good friends and contributors in that business, and because he knows his following is very susceptible to selective outrage and rampaging dimwittedness.
An unintended consequence of "sticking it to the oil companies" is that the Obama Administration will succeed in reducing the value of retirement accounts for many, many Americans.
More evidence of rampaging dimwittedness is the belief that the owners,  officers, and directors of the oil companies are cleaning up while the rest of us have to pay high prices for fuel.  Here is a newsflash!!  Only about one percent of shares in five major oil companies are so owned.  The other owners happen to be millions of Americans who have their retirement living tied to the performance of the oil companies.
As if that wasn't bad enough in the misdirection department, oil companies constitute a disproportionate share of returns on investments in retirement income accounts.
And if that wasn't bad enough, many retirement systems in our financially strapped states have significant investments in oil companies--like the Teachers' Unions, and Police and Fire Unions.  So, it stands to reason that if we bash and punish the oil companies, the miserable consequences of our vulture attack will be to drive our elderly and retirees deeper in economic and financial discomfort.
Does this sound like a bunch that is interested in "growing the Middle Class"?

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